The world's best Weather Stations have a brand new "Voice"- the long awaited successor to the renowned original WeatherVox, the soon-to-be-released WeatherVox V2! This self-contained marvel of modern networking technology, which measures just 110 mm x 80 mm x 22 mm, connects to the serial port of an ULTIMETER weather station and to an amateur radio, to a computer, or even an external speaker. It verbalizes the weather data from the ULTIMETER Weather Station and delivers an up-to-the-second report on local weather conditions in user-customizable levels of detail. WeatherVox is powered by direct connection to the ULTIMETER Weather Station.
WeatherVox V2 can be connected to the Internet using your wifi router (no computer required, only an Internet connection), to share data from your ULTIMETER Weather Station via the Weather Underground™network, allowing access by mobile devices via a number of available apps.
WeatherVox V2 can also be used with radio repeater stations. For this application it includes a PTT status line, an audio output line and an audio input line to accept DTMF commands.
WeatherVox V2 is a product of the Australian firm, Sphere Communications Pty, Ltd. It is being marketed in the United States and Canada exclusively by Peet Bros. Company.
For more details on WeatherVox V2, please view the introduction video HERE.