Weather Observation Equipment by Peet Bros. Company Inc.:ULTIMETER Weather Stations:Weather Sensors
Ten Best Reasons  >  # 4. WeatherText Serial Data Output

What is WeatherText®?

WeatherText® is an RS-232 serial data output mode in which the instrument puts out one human-readable (text) Weather Report each minute.  Unlike a proprietary hexadecimal data packet which requires application software to decode, the WeatherText® report is the ultimate in weather data portability.

The serial text output is viewed on the monitor of a PC using terminal software such as HyperTerminal (located on your WIndows PC at Start/Programs/Accessories/Communications/HyperTerminal), or transmitted as a data packet which requires no application software at the receiving end to decode the data.  The text output may be "captured" and saved as a .txt file for later viewing or printout.

WeatherText® Tools is a Windows PC application which enhances the capabilities of WeatherText®:

            WeatherText® Data Logger:  a data acquisition tool which generates and archives log files of weather data in two convenient file formats:  .txt (for convenient viewing using word processor or IE) and .csv (for instant analysis, charting, and graphing on Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet program)

            WeatherText® Internet:  an FTP utility which transfers the WeatherText™ reports to a web server at scheduled intervals (in both .txt and .csv file formats).

            WeatherText® Mail: an email application which automatically sends WeatherText™ reports to selected email addresses at scheduled intervals.  Share critical weather data from your ULTIMETER with personal contacts, weather bureau, or Emergency Management Agency.

            WeatherText® APRS:  a tool which automatically generates a weather report, properly formatted to be transmitted via APRS (Automatic Position Reporting System), an amateur radio technology developed for efficient transmission of data packets.  Requires use of UI-View32 software or compatible equivalent.

Each WeatherText® One-Minute Report includes all current values, plus the highest wind speed over the past minute with the associated wind direction, the average wind speed over the last minute, the 3-hour barometric pressure change, today's and long-term rainfall, today's highs and lows, and current time and date.  In addition, each time a key combo is pressed, a comprehensive WeatherText® Complete History Report is output (contains highs and lows for the previous 7 days plus long-term).

Following is a sample of the WeatherText® One-Minute Report:


Wind:     Cur   8.0MPH 180Deg, 1mAvg   4.6MPH,  1mPeak   9.8MPH 176Deg

           Hi   9.9MPH 188Deg

WChill:   Cur  75.7F, Lo  75.6F

Temp Out: Cur  75.7F, Hi  75.7F, Lo  75.6F

Temp In:  Cur  76.4F, Hi  76.6F, Lo  76.3F

Hum Out:  Cur  65.6%, Hi  65.9%, Lo  65.6%

Baro:     Cur  29.93inHg, Hi  29.94inHg, Lo  29.93inHg, 3hr chg  +0.0inHg

Dewpt:    Cur  63.6F

Heatx:    Cur  77.0F

Rain:   Today   0.21in, Since 01/01/05:    2.57in


Following is a sample of the WeatherText® Complete History Report:




Wind               Hi             Lo Chill

02/07/05   7.4MPH  68Deg 06:43A,  48.1F 02:19A

02/06/04  11.4MPH 193Deg 12:15P,  47.9F 04:37A

02/05/04  13.4MPH  24Deg 09:13A,  46.9F 08:17P

02/04/04  12.9MPH 184Deg 01:08P,  46.1F 07:48P

02/03/04   8.8MPH 205Deg 10:14A,  40.8F 09:28A

02/02/04  11.3MPH 210Deg 02:48P,  42.7F 11:23A

02/01/04   8.5MPH  69Deg 11:24A,  41.5F 08:18P

01/31/04  13.4MPH 210Deg 02:31P,  41.1F 07:44P

Long Trm  20.4MPH  77Deg 01/27/05 05:22A

Long Trm Lo Chill  30.1F 01/27/05 02:15P


Temp        Out Hi        Out Lo          In Hi          In Lo

02/07/05  59.5F 05:43A,  48.1F 02:19A,  76.0F 12:34P,  66.8F 03:45A

02/06/04  58.9F 07:01A,  47.9F 04:37A,  74.7F 12:00A,  67.4F 05:58A

02/05/04  62.8F 01:55P,  46.9F 08:17P,  77.4F 04:42P,  65.6F 06:06A

02/04/04  60.5F 05:20P,  46.1F 07:48P,  78.2F 01:56P,  65.3F 05:09A

02/03/04  60.7F 07:11P,  40.8F 09:28A,  78.0F 05:52P,  64.8F 04:40A

02/02/04  58.1F 09:16P,  43.4F 12:57A,  79.4F 02:41P,  64.3F 05:08A

02/01/04  53.8F 05:23A,  41.5F 08:18P,  78.2F 02:18P,  64.3F 04:28A

01/31/04  54.7F 06:26A,  41.1F 07:44P,  80.4F 03:20P,  65.6F 05:12A

Long trm  Out Hi  62.8F 02/05/05 01:55P, Lo  30.3F 01/28/05 08:44P

Long trm  In  Hi  80.4F 01/31/05 01:55P, Lo  63.6F 01/28/05 05:10A


Humidity    Out Hi        Out Lo          In Hi          In Lo

02/07/05  97.2% 12:00A,  45.7% 02:34P,  28.7% 05:51A,  25.2% 02:58P

02/06/04  98.1% 05:09A,  56.5% 02:27P,  35.6% 06:20A,  32.4% 02:45P

02/05/04  92.9% 12:00A,  45.8% 02:10P,  29.1% 06:43A,  26.0% 02:49P

02/04/04 100.0% 12:00A,  85.7% 04:49P,  58.2% 05:39A,  47.1% 05:10P

02/03/04 100.0% 11:37P,  86.0% 12:33P,  58.8% 05:21A,  45.9% 02:32P

02/02/04  96.3% 12:27A,  52.3% 01:57P,  37.3% 05:31A,  30.7% 02:21P

02/01/04  94.2% 12:00A,  45.7% 03:51P,  28.9% 04:59A,  25.8% 04:07P

01/31/04  97.8% 08:51P,  65.4% 03:51P,  42.3% 05:52A,  34.1% 04:19P

Long trm  Out Hi 100.0% 01/26/05 12:33A, Lo  39.1% 01/29/05 02:05P

Long trm  In  Hi  71.1% 01/14/05 06:32A, Lo  21.0% 01/19/05 05:47P


Barometer      Hi               Lo

02/07/05  30.47inHg 12:00A,  30.23inHg 03:14P

02/06/04  30.57inHg 10:17A,  30.41inHg 12:45A

02/05/04  30.41inHg 11:37P,  30.19inHg 12:01A

02/04/04  30.19inHg 10:03P,  30.11inHg 01:21P

02/03/04  30.40inHg 12:00A,  30.13inHg 05:08P

02/02/04  30.50inHg 09:32A,  30.40inHg 09:49P

02/01/04  30.46inHg 08:48P,  30.37inHg 03:18P

01/31/04  30.38inHg 11:51P,  30.13inHg 12:00A

Long trm  Hi  30.77inHg 01/28/05 09:51A, Lo  29.57inHg 01/26/05 01:39P



02/07/05    0.00in

02/06/04    0.00in

02/05/04    0.00in

02/04/04    0.34in

02/03 04    0.02in

02/02/04    0.00in

02/01/04    0.00in

01/31/04    0.00in

Long trm  Since 01/01/05    0.60in

Manufacturer of Weather Instruments,Home Weather Stations,Anemometers,Rain Gauges,Wind Sensors, Barometers,Humidity Sensors,Barometric Pressure Sensors,APRS Weather Stations,Ham Radio Weather Stations,and ULTIMETER Weather Sensors,for over 20 years.

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